Tuesday 28 February 2012

Kangaroos in the wild!

About a week ago, we were drivng & both kids fell asleep.  This has happened a lot down here - so we ended up driving around to let them both have a little nap.  We went in a different direction this time and tried to find a lake.  We never did find it but along the way we ran into these 'beauties'.

There were so many of them just hanging out there, eating the grass etc.  To say were excited would be an understatment!  We have been obsessed with seeing either kangaroos or koalas in the wild since arriving (well, probably just Janita!)  So this was amazing.

There was even a Joey - you can see it below jumping away when crazy kangaroo lady (Janita) chased them a bit to get them to hop away!
This guy let us get pretty close - he was curious too

But then he had enough & joined the others just a short distance away.
There was probably 20-30 of them all together in this area but along the road, we saw several groups just like this one.

So cool - too bad Kalyssa missed it but we took a few videos for her.

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