Saturday 11 February 2012

King's beach

We forgot about the very first thing we learned about Australia - even before our 6 1/2 wk adventure began....apparently, you are required to have a travel VISA to visit.  This was news to us upon trying to check into our flights in Calgary (thanks for letting us know Air Canada!!)....needless to say we had a brief moment of sheer panic before they told us it is the ONLY foreign Visa you can apply for right at the airport. Phew, that was pretty scary for a moment!  Basically its just an additional money grab for Australia -- nice.

Back to our trip.  We drove south down the coast to check out a few different areas that were suppose to be good for the kiddos.  King's beach down in Caloundra had a water park area right on the beach including a seawater pool.

Kalyssa in the seawater pool

Tilman actually liked it in the pool - I think because it was so warm

Just showing the location of the pool - right on the ocean!

Cool trees all over the place here

Another beautiful, sunny hot day in Australia

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