Friday 10 February 2012

Things we've already learned

Things we've learned already on this trip:

- Aussie's are indeed very nice people - multiple examples of this already from the airport, restaurants, shopping etc. We are really enjoying it here.
- locals do not like wearing any sort of footwear. We see barefooted Aussies EVERYWHERE, restaurants, grocery stores, major shopping malls etc.....gross but it seems to be a norm here!
- shirts are very optional for the guys. Can't tell you how many guys we've seen walking around everywhere with only board shorts on. Forget "no shirt, no shoes, no service" here.
- We are definitely in a very different country - so many different words/phrases here...too many to name, just its VERY apparent we aren't in Canada or the US!
- Tilman loves fresh fish - eating as much as we can give him. (K loves it too)

- Kalyssa is definitely a beach kid, she could stay there all day if we let her. She goes down into her room every morning & puts a swimsuit on, comes upstairs & asks when can we go to the beach.

- warm, humid air makes kids nap.  Both have been napping every day (2 for Tilman/day) & for a long time!  This has made a few days difficult to plan cause they both keep wanting to take naps.  Tilman even naps inside his beach tent - which works out awesome.
- Tom is in love with the dairy food products here - yogurts, cheeses, custards?? He just ate an entire container of some coffee flavored yogurt tonight all by himself.
- They have very yummy wines here. Even Tom has rediscovered a love for wine. Their whites are awesome - we found one in particular that we both love & bought a bunch of them, plus it is only $6/bottle! It tastes very similar to a chenin blanc from Quails Gate that we used to love.
- lastly, warm, humid weather is the best! nothing like coming out of an air conditioned restaurant, grocery store etc in the evening & feeling that warmth!!

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