Monday 13 February 2012

Beautiful morning

Another beautiful day on Australia's sunshine coast!

This is the view off our back deck - not a cloud to be found. 
 We keep seeing on the news about all the rain, flash flooding etc in and around us but we hadn't had a single drop of rain until a few days ago.  Late in the evening, we had a pretty hard rainfall, thunder etc but it only lasted an hour or so & in the morning it was sunny again.
 Then again yesterday, Kalyssa & Mom went to the beach by our house as Thom wasn't feeling good due to an ear infection (don't worry Rita, he went to the doctor & has a prescription now so he's feeling better already). 
We had to come home at 4pm as some clouds moved in & it sprinkled for about 10 mins. So that has been our 'bad weather'. 

Here is our dinner Tom made the other night - veggies & rice (chicken for everyone else) with a peanut satay sauce - yum!

This little guy paid us a visit on the deck. 
 Tom almost stepped on him as he stepped out the patio door.  He was about 2 inches long so a fair good size and we practically had to touch him to get him to move.

Too bad Kalyssa missed him - she was already in bed
 So Tilman was 9 months old yesterday. Time sure flies. He is doing really good here & seems to like the mild weather.  Not surprising as he has always loved to be bundled up with as many blankets, clothes etc as possible.  Plus, here there is less to put on him & he hates to get dressed/be manipulated in any way.

His hair has been growing in like crazy and he claps his hands at everything!  He is also now taking a few steps crawling and can pull himself up to a stand.

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