Sunday 4 March 2012

Cruising Noosa sound

We are very behind on updating this.  We have now survived our 5 day long car trip down the Australian coast to arrive safely at our second rental house for the last 2 weeks of our trip.  Tilman is not a great car traveller & we had to make frequent stops to let him crawl around and Janita had to sit in the back seat between the 2 car seats for some of the trip.  But we made it - phew!!

The second place is great but the weather has been pretty rainy, all over Australia lately.  But today is our first blue sky, sunny day so this will be somewhat abbreviated so we can get down & check out our new beach!  (apparently it has the whitest sand in the world as per the guiness book!)

Some pictures of the day we rented out a boat and cruised around the Noosa area

Tom did all the driving with Tilman

Kalyssa loved it on the boat!

We loved checking out all the beautiful places along the way

The fish were jumping so K was on the watch for them

This place was amazing!

There are some old abandoned boats on the waterways - they were cool!

Tilman getting his 'sea legs'!

Some of the surroundings in this area - it is very thick & lush all around us

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