Monday 19 March 2012

Pebbly beach & lots of Kangaroos

Well we are now back home to reality.  We survived the marathon flights home with no problems at all.  Both kids as it turns out, are great travellers!  There were 7 infants on our flight from Sydney to Vancouver & I think Tilman was the only one that barely said a peep the whole flight.  None of us got much sleep mind you so we are dealing with some nasty jet lag/time change issues but I think that is to be expected.
We are going to continue for a few more posts as we had some pretty awesome experiences during our last 2 weeks down south & in Sydney too.

Special thanks to those that helped us out during our adventure - the Korol's & Lemery's (and Gord/Linda Thompson too).  We cannot thank you enough for taking such amazing care of precious Zoey, taking care of our house and snow shovelling and even driving us to/from the airport!  It so nice to know that we have some family that are there for us & we can count on!

Back to our trip.  We had heard about a very Australian experience just south of us where a mob of kangaroos often frequent a local beach (a 'mob' is what they call a group of kangaroos!).  It was pretty close to us & it was suppose to be an overcast day so we decided to check it out.  It was called Pebbly Beach.

There are so many beautiful wild birds in Australia
cool 'polka dots' on the edge of the beach
There were some huge waves on Pebbly beach
It was such a gorgeous area!
There were lots of cool things in the rocks - including hot air vents bubbling up in the water
The waves were huge, definitely the biggest we saw in all of Australia
After we explored the water, we found these guys on the hill overlooking the ocean

They let Thom & Tilman get pretty close
I got pretty close to them too but the hill was completely covered in roo poo! So gross

On our way back to the car, there were a few more. It looked like a momma & her young one

Kalyssa just loved them - especially the little guy & the Roo's were so tame

We saw this sign as we were getting in the car --- oops! Well we didn't feed them at least...
The drive was unbelievably beautiful.  The whole area was so nice

We decided to do some more exploring in the area.  We ran into SO many Kangaroos!

This one looked like an albino - again they were so tame, they let us get so close.

The beautiful country side with yet even more resident Roos!

This beach was called Pretty Beach

Haha - Tom took this photo - classic!

The Kangaroos were literally everywhere the last 2 weeks of our trip.  We saw Kangaroos every single day - it was awesome!!

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