Saturday 31 March 2012

Moona Moona Creek tidal pools

We heard about Moona Moona Creek on the day we arrived in the area. It was reputed to be a great place for the kids as there were lots of clear, shallow, fresh water tidal pools at high tide at the mouth of the river.  With high tide falling mid-afternoon during our second week, we figured it was a good time to check it out.
 Its funny how dependant you become on tides during a vacation like this - we always looked up the tidal times in the morning to plan our day.  Low tides are the funnest while at the beach so when they don't fall mid-day, it was awesome to have this option which was super fun for everyone!

The water was so calm - perfect for the kids.

It was an amazing day in a beautiful place and there was hardly anyone else there!

It was like a pool & beach all in one for Kalyssa - she was in absolute heaven!

Tilman was pretty excited about it too!
The water was so clear - it was perfect really!
Tilman loved floating around in the warm water
Kalyssa was keen to guide her brother along
They had so much fun floating around together!
As the tide pulled out, the sand formations were very cool
The area changed by the minute - which made it extra fun for us all!
We did a lot of playing in the newly created sand islands
Kalyssa & Tilman played so great in the sand.
Such an awesome experience!!

Friday 30 March 2012

Dolphin Boat tour in Jervis Bay

One beautiful morning during our last week in Jervis Bay, we decided to take a boat tour of the Bay.  The Bay has a ton of wildlife (second in Australia only to the Great Barrier Reef).  Bowen Island at the mouth of the Bay is almost completely over run with Penguins and whales/dolphins are also frequent residents of the Bay.  Unfortunately for us, the Whales are seasonal & it was not the right time for us to see them.  So off we went in search for some dolphins in the wild.

 We were delayed leaving waiting for a group of tourists driving in from Sydney.

The beautiful wharf area in Huskisson where the boat took off from

The kids were happy to finally get going
One of the many secluded beaches along the Bay


It didn't take long at all to find some!
It was a large pod - the captain said probably 40-50 Dolphins
Some of the Dolphins swam along side the boat

We got to see them up very close along the boat - Kalyssa was so excited!

So close we could see theirs blow holes & eyes!
Tilman was not so excited & passed out
Our boat
It was a great trip and so cool to see so many dolphins in the wild and up close. 

Saturday 24 March 2012

Nowra Wildlife Park

With a few days of overcast weather and rain, we were looking for some different things to do with the kids.  We found a great indoor play area in the neighboring town when it was raining all day.  They loved it & K got to meet and play with some local kids.

The next day, it didn`t rain but was pretty overcast & not all that warm.  So we headed to the Nowra Wildlife Park.  The parking lot was practically empty so we were worried it was closed. As it turned out, it is just a small place that is very dead during the week (especially when the weather was suspect).

This guy greeted us in the parking lot
As soon as we got there, they told us we were just in time for the Wildlife show.  They were gathering the animals together for the show, including this little Wombat. 
Tom cuddling & sniffing the Koala - they are suppose to smell really good but we thought it was pretty neutral smelling
Sweet Koala face
We had formal pictures taken with all the animals in the little show.  But only Tom held the python though!

The baby Wombat (yes, that is a 1 yr old baby!) was very needy & wanted to be held while they were talking about the other animals.

The keeper asked if anyone wanted to take over baby Wombat holding duties.  I was happy to voluteer - he was seriously so sweet. 
There were Kookaburras buzzing around us.  We have also seen these guys in the wild
When the show was over, we woke up the Wombat (yup, he fell asleep while holding him!) and he walked back to his enclosure.
These birds were so pretty and had bright yellow legs too.  We saw them all over the place in the wild but never seemed to have a camera handy.
A true Albino Kangaroo
Very cool tree trunks within the Wildlife Park
This huge tree was growing on the side of the rock
The Llamas were ummm - playing `leapfrog` haha!
The park was in a very pretty location with the cliffs on one side and a river on the other

We spent a lot of time watching the Dingoes.  They got into a howling match with this group of orangey ones on the rock and the white guy below them.  We got some good video of it.  They were so loud!

More Aussie turtles and their extremely long necks

There were of course lots of reptiles

And lots of Kangaroos & Wallaby`s
On our way out, we noticed this Koala hanging out